The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors involved in classroom management techniques applied by the secondary school teachers. The study was delimited to (7) male and (6) female secondary schools of Multan city. By using simple random sampling technique, a sample of two hundred (200) secondary school teachers was selected. The questionnaires were administered personally by researcher. The ratio of returning the questionnaire was 85%. Overall p-value of Z test is 0.283 which is larger than the level of significance 0.05. It means that the mean decision for both male and female are non-significant.Overall result using the test analysis of variance for testing the equality of mean decision for different level of experience of teachers at secondary level. We see that the p-value is 0.007 which is less than our level of significance 0.05, so it is concluded that there is a significant difference between the mean decision of the different experience levels (L, M and H).Overall result of pair-wise difference between mean decision of different level of experience by using LSD test among high experience, medium experience and low experience. There is significance different between mean of medium and low experience.Overall result of pair-wise difference between mean decision of different level of qualification by using LSD test among high qualification (M. Phil), medium qualification (M.A/M.Sc. /B.Ed.) and low qualification (B.A/B.Sc. /B.Ed.). It is seen that all pair have non-significant mean.
Key words: Classroom management, Techniques, Communication cycle.