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Review Article

Conservative, interventional and regenerative methods in chronic pain management

Busra Candiri, Burcu Talu.

Cited by 0 Articles

Pain is a complex condition that affects an individual physically, mentally and socially and in which clinicians find it difficult to cope. In particular, the impact of chronic pain on patientsÂ’ lives can range from small restrictions to complete loss of independence. Therefore, there are many applications for improving the quality of life of individual and controlling the pain. In recent years, a better understanding of the physiological and chemical mechanisms involved in chronic pain has gained pain management many new treatment methods. These are starting from non-invasive treatment methods such as physiotherapy, manual therapy, emotional therapy, and progressing to more invasive methods such as spinal cord stimulation and deep brain stimulation. Although current advances have taken effective steps in chronic pain control, more comprehensive research is needed on the effectiveness of these treatments and in which situations they are used in coping with pain. In this review, we aimed to summarize current conservative and interventional multidisciplinary methods and special treatment methods used in chronic pain management and to guide clinicians in cope with pain.

Key words: chronic pain; pain management; conservative treatment; electric stimulation therapy

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