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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3113-3118

Elementary School Teachers’ Perception about Motivational Techniques used by Heads of the institutions to enhance their Performance

Dr. Sumaira Munawar, Dr. Gulshan Fatima Alvi*, Dr. Khadija Sittar, Dr. Mahwish Safder, Dr. Syed Shujaat Ali, Munazzah Hayat, Nusrat Jamshid, IshratJamshid.


Motivation plays an important role in increasing teacher performance. Heads use workplace motivation techniques to motivate teachers to do the work. They play their vital role in improving education in a positive way. The purpose of this study was to explore the incentive methods used by the heads of primary education institutions. A sample of five hundred teachers was selected through proportional random sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Mean score and standard deviations were used to analyze data. The key finding of the study indicates that mostly teachers motivated during work by their head punctuality and expression of expectations. Therefore, it is recommended that training programs regarding techniques of motivation should beorganized for theheads of elementary schools in order to develop the competency of teachers.

Key words: Motivation, Elementary School, Motivational Techniques

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