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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3997-4005

An Analytical Study Of Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Practices For Manufacturing Companies Of Delhi

Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Md. Saifullah Khalid.


CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is still a topic of debate and misunderstanding for many people. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a major topic in business strategy and conversations. We've used questionnaires as part of my survey questionnaire. To be more specific, "questionnaire" encompasses any method of collecting data that asks participants for answers to pre-determined questions in a pre-defined sequence, such as surveys. Businesses and non-profit organizations in India support a variety of CSR initiatives, which are well-received and well-accepted in the country's CSR portfolio. Since the early 1990s, corporate motives have been questioned and scrutinized by activist organizations, critical journalists, and consumer groups. There are a lot of companies that are getting into the attention-getting game. There's no doubt that corporations will have a difficult time proving to their stakeholders and audiences that they are worth their salt.

Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),practice, manufacturing, Delhi, etc.

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