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Original Research

RMJ. 2009; 34(2): 223-225

Evidence Based Transfusion Practice in surgical intensive care unit at a tertiary care hospital

Muhammad Zubair, Mohammad Nasir Ayub Khan, Mohammad Zameer.


To evaluate the practices of surgical intensive care in comparison to new evidence based
transfusion practice guidelines.
The study was carried out at surgical intensive care unit (SICU) of Shifa International Hospital,
for a period of two months from 1st February, 2008 to 31st March 2008. The auditor was
independent of the individuals making decisions about transfusion. All the patients were assessed
each day during the audit period and data extracted from the charts and flow sheets of the
During the study period, 149 patients were admitted in SICU. Blood was transfused in 69 (46%)
of patients of patient. Model transfusion trigger was 8g/dl in 58 (39%) of subjects. 74 (45%)
patients received only one unit. Post transfusion hemoglobin (Hb) was 9g/dl in 30 (20%) of
Hb of 8g/dl was used as a trigger for transfusion by most of the clinicians. (Rawal Med J
2009;34; ).

Key words: Surgical intensive care unit, blood transfusion, transfusion trigger.

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