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RMJ. 2009; 34(2): 154-159

C-reactive protein and acute coronary syndrome: correlation with traditional risk factors, diagnostic cardiac biomarkers, and ejection fraction

Tahir Ahmed Munir, M. Nasir Afzal, Habib-ur-Rehman, Rashid Ahmed.


To determine the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) at the time of admission and its correlation with traditional risk factors, cardiac biomarkers, and ejection fraction.
Sixty nine age matched controls and 133 consecutive patients of ACS were studied. CRP levels, CK-MB and Trop-I were measured at 0, 12 and 24 hours of admission. Ejection fraction was estimated by bidimensional echocardiography.
Mean CRP levels at the time of admission were significantly increased in patients of ACS versus controls and in patients of STEMI and NSTEMI versus UA, but were non significant between STEMI and NSTEMI patients. In patients of ACS, the cardiac biomarkers and the mean CRP levels during next 24 hours were increased significantly. A significant correlation between peak CRP levels and Trop I was seen in patients with UA and NSTEMI, but no correlation was found between CRP levels and CK-MB and ejection fraction.
CRP levels were increased in patients with ACS as compared to controls, and in patients of STEMI and NSTEMI as compared to UA. CRP levels did not correlate with EF but correlated with troponin I. (Rawal Med J 2009; 34: ).

Key words: C - reactive protein, CRP, Acute coronary syndrome, ACS, STEMI, NSTEMI.

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