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IJMDC. 2019; 3(12): 1104-1109

The psychosocial consequences of road traffic accidents: a review article

Noura Mesned Almutairi, Mohammed Abdulrahman Altamimi.


A road traffic accident (RTA) is one of the main causes of injuries where the number of casualties reaches 10 million every year, and 1.25 million people die annually. An RTA can lead to physical and psychosocial outcomes that can disable the victims. The psychosocial consequences are as important as the physical consequences can affect the recovery process and have a long-term effect. RTA victims reported an impact on familial, social life, and mental health. The current review looks into the psychosocial consequences of an RTA, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, work disability, financial problems, or relationship problems, which are devastating and have a variant and substantial impact at the individual, family, and social level.

Key words: RTA, psychosocial consequences, PTSD, depression, anxiety, work disability.

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