The study focuses on the violation of women's rights by members of their families in the patriarchal family system as demonstrated in ElifShafaks novel 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World. It is about how women are being suppressed in their families that they can't even stand up for their basic rights and depend on a supportive figure to fight for their rights.The worst kind of violation is that women are sexually harassed by power. The theory of radical feminism is applied to the novel 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange Worldafter the close reading. The theory is about male supremacy and the violation of women's rights, and patriarchy is the underlying reason for the infringement. This study analyses the sexual exploitation of children by close relatives and the effect of violence and unsupportive patriarchal families on women's lives.The private patriarchy forces a woman to revolt in one way or another, and then the political patriarchy engulfs her. Sexual abuse, revolt, prostitution, and then the death of the main character is the journey of the destruction of women and the overlapping of such patriarchies.The character studied in the lens is abused by her uncle, and when she gets pregnant, her father doesn't help her, and she ends up as a prostitute. This character is discussed in the context of male dominance, gender inequality and patriarchy outlined in Radical Feminism.Whenever women are abused and have no supportive family, they often end up in the worst circumstances. This research highlights the role of parental training, intrafamily relations, and family support in womens lives.
Key words: Patriarchy, Sexual Harassment, Feminism, Womens Rights, Prostitution.