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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 2991-2993

Women Empowerment Through ICT

Manju Sharma, Amrendra Singh.


The term ICT has been used to encompass technological innovation and convergence in information and communication leading to the development of so-called information or knowledge societies, resulting changes in social interaction, and economic and business practices politician engagement education health issues and entertainment. Over the past decade, there has been a growing understanding that these technology is can be powerful instruments for advancing economic and social development through the certain of new types of economic activities employment and opportunity improvements in health care delivery and other services and the enhancement of networking participation and advocacy within the society ICT also have the potential to improve interaction between governments and citizens fostering transparency and accountability in governance. While the potential ICT for stimulating economic growth socio-economic development and effective it governance is well recognised the benefits of ICT have been an evenly distributed within and between countries the terms digital divide refers to the differences in resources and compare will it is to exercise and effectively beauty lies ICT for development that exit within and between countries reasons factors and socio-economic groups.

Key words: ICT, Women Empowerment

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