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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 2981-2985

Employability in India – Challenges and Solutions

Argha Chaterjee, Dr. Mini Amit Arrawatia.


Over 100 years. Employability is an emerged concept in unemployment and labour markets. Part of the problem of youth employability is the relevance of acquired knowledge, skills and educational and training qualifications to current labour market opportunities. This paper focuses the concept of employability and skills needed to become a globally recognised employee. The perception of Employers and employees towards employability skills required for Entry level engineering graduates in multinational software companies is examined. An approach of accreditation towards higher education is explained and highlighted the importance of accreditation in Indian Institutions. The development skills available in India which are needed to enhance the employability in global market are projected.

Key words: Employability, engineering graduates, employers, perception, accreditation and global market

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