The current study examines the Pakistani TV advertisements that tend to project the family relations and its impact on viewers. The study is important for investigating the role of Pakistani TV advertisements that are responsible to shape our social structure. It explores that how advertisers grab the attention of the viewers applying emotional appeals in order to sell their product to its target audience. For theoretical perspective cultivation theory, for this study, content analysis and survey method were conducted. In content analysis, selected TV ads from specific TV channels were analyzed after categorization method. In survey, 240 family members from 60 families (60 husbands and wives who were the parents of the children from the same family) were selected through purposive sampling. A carefully designed questionnaire comprising on 19 questions was filled by the selected respondents. The findings of the study computed on SPSS using Chi-square test indicated that these family relations are not glorified in these TV ads. Rather, product promotion is the main objective of the advertisers. Another approved hypothesis indicated that children who watch more TV during prime time and tend to get indulge more in adopting the behavior and buying the projected product than adults.
Key words: Projection, Family relations, TV Ads Impacts, Glorification, Viewers