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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 3502-3512

A Program Based on Integrating the EFL Language Skills to Develop Communicative Competence among Faculty of Specific Education Students

Rehab Mohamed El Sayed, Eman Mohamed Abd el-haq, Dr. Amr Fathy Abdlwahab.


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Integrating Language Skills Program on sophomores English Communicative Competence skills. The participants of the study consisted of (60) students distributed into two groups. One of the groups represented the control group of (30) students and the other represented the experimental one of (30)students. The groups were randomly chosen from a purposive sample from Faculty of Specific Education,Zagazig University. An Integration Language Skills program was used in teaching the experimental group, while the traditional method was used in teaching the control one in the first term of the Academic year (2019- 2020).The results of the study were that Integrating Language Skills program is effective to develop Communicative Competence Skills among the faculty of Specific Education students.

Key words: Integrating ,EFL Language Skills, Communicative Competence, Faculty of Specific Education, Sophomores, quasi-experimental.

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