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Mini Review

J App Pharm Sci. 2020; 10(7): 127-146

A review on phytochemical constituents, role on metabolic diseases, and toxicological assessments of underutilized part of Garcinia mangostana L. fruit

Abdul Rohman, Fitriana Hayyu Arifah, Irnawati, Gemini Alam, Muchtaridi, Muhammad Rafi.

Cited by 12 Articles

Metabolic diseases are one of the problems in public health and become the major causes of mortality. These have led the scientist to solve the metabolic diseases-related problems by exploring some natural medicine and phytochemicals to prevent and to treat them. One of the plant medicines potential to be developed is Garcinia mangostana L. or mangosteen which belongs to the family Clusiaceae. The underutilised part of the fruit including pericarp and seed is a promising candidate as herbal medicinal particularly to treat metabolic diseases. This review was aimed to update some research findings regarding the biological activities of the underutilized parts of mangosteen (pericarp and seed) along with phytochemical components. During this review, some information which are relevant to the stidy has been compiled using scientific literature from electronic search engines including ScienceDirect, PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and other scientific electronic resources. Additional literatures were obtained from book chapters, books, websites, goverment reports, and other related sources. Underutilised part of mangosteen fruit is rich of xanthones derivates as value-added constituents, also other constituents such as derivates of benzophenons, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. This study highlighted on the possible medicinal properties especially for metabolic diseases such as obesity and lipid metabolism disorder, high blood pressure, diabetes and its complication, and cancer. Additionally, toxicological assessments were discussed to ensure safety and trust of the consumers.

Key words: Garcinia mangostana L., metabolic disease, phytochemistry, toxicological assessement, underutilised part.

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