The aim of the study was to determine the relationship among paternalistic leadership, secondary school teachers commitment ad their job satisfaction. The study also attempted to investigate the significant difference in paternalistic leadership, secondary school teachers commitment and job satisfaction on the bases of their gender and experience. This study followed the correlational research design under the positivist research paradigm.Furthermore, it was a quantitative study. Population for this research was comprised of all the teachers teaching in public secondary schools in district Lahore (1458). Asample of 350 teachers was selected and to equalize the portion of male and female participants, stratified proportionate sampling technique was used. three questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. First questionnaire was titled as paternalistic leadership (α=.73), developed by Cheng and Farh (2004). Second questionnaire was titled as teacher commitment questionnaire (α=.71), developed by Mee and Razaq (2014). Third questionnaire was titled as Academic job satisfaction (JS) (α=.73) developed by Rubaish, Rahim, Abumadini and Wosornu (2016). Inferential statistics i.e. Pearson Correlation and independent sample t-test were applied to determine the relationship and difference between teachers paternalistic leadership, teachers commitment on the basis of their gender and experience. Analysis of the data revealed that there was a positive and strong significant relationship between paternalistic leadership and teachers commitment (r= .617, n =350, p< 0.00).it was also found that there is no significant difference between secondary school teachers for paternalistic leadership, teachers commitment om the basis of gender. Meanwhile a significant difference was observed on the basis of experience among the secondary school teachers paternalistic leadership and their commitment.Emphasize may be given in practicing paternalistic leadership in schools so they can listen their issues more attentively and it can make more committed teachers.
Key words: paternalistic leadership (PL), teachers commitment, job satisfaction, and secondary school teachers.