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Cost-minimization analysis of drugs used for empirical treatment of urinary tract infection in a tertiary care hospital

Mangala Bhaskar Murthy, Dipti Ghumre, Pankaj Joshi, Bhaskar Murthy, Shraddha Pore, Shreyas Burute.


Background: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the commonly encountered infections and a large number of drugs are indicated in UTI ranging from oral conventional drugs to most advanced injectable drugs. Cost-minimization analysis (CMA) is employed to project the least costly drug when two treatments are shown to be therapeutic equivalents.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to perform a CMA at a tertiary care center to determine the least expensive drug for UTI and to project a cheapest alternative from available options based on the results of CMA.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted over duration of 3 months in the clinical departments on patients diagnosed to have UTI and prescribed empirical antimicrobial treatment. The approval of Institutional Ethics Committee was sought before beginning the study. Pattern of drug prescription and average cost incurred in the treatment of patients with empirical antimicrobial therapy was calculated. CMA included the projection of the least expensive drug based on average cost incurred per patient in outpatients and inpatients respectively.

Results: A total of 59 patients of UTI given empirical treatment were included in the study. Fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins were commonly used drugs for empirical treatment of UTI. Nitrofurantoin (average cost of 11–14 Rs. per patient) can be projected as the cheapest drug for empirical treatment of UTI on outpatient basis as well as a drug to supplement injectables in indoor patients. Injectable ciprofloxacin can be projected as the most inexpensive alternative for empirical treatment of UTI in patients of the inpatient department.

Conclusion: Nitrofurantoin for oral treatment and ciprofloxacin in injectable form are cheapest among available alternatives for empirical treatment of UTI. To prevent treatment failures and increase in cost of treatment, correlation of results of CMA with local antimicrobial sensitivity pattern is important.

Key words: Cost-Minimization Analysis; Rational Drug Use; Urinary Tract Infection; Empirical Treatment

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