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RMJ. 2019; 44(1): 159-161

Prevention strategies adopted by physiotherapists in response to work related musculoskeletal disorders

Muhammad Umair Shaikh, Muhammad Faizan, Malik Sheraz, Muhammad Waqas, Abid Kamal.


Objective: To study the preventive strategies adopt by physiotherapists in their field work to overcome their musculoskeletal injuries.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted among physiotherapists of Karachi for six months. A Questionnaire was used to collect the data from physiotherapists who worked in different hospital, clinics & rehabilitation centers. Both genders had equally participated in the study with the age group (up to 45 years) regardless of their experience, designation, mode of job & type of work.
Results: We found that 79% of the physiotherapists were affected from musculoskeletal injuries. Females had participated more as compared to males. Most of them adopted preventive strategies like modification of position, selection of techniques that would not aggravate the symptoms and adjustment of bed height.
Conclusion: A large percentage of physiotherapists developed work related musculoskeletal injuries. Many strategies were used like modification of working station, awareness of injuries to control these problems.

Key words: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, physiotherapists, preventive strategies.

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