The present study aims to investigate the mediating role of Global Technical Standards (GTS) on Voice of Customers (VOC) and Sustainable Supply Chain (SSP) in halal meat industry of Pakistan.This study used mixed methodology in a two-phase investigation, results of analysis have focused on the Halal Meat Industry. In phase-I, study has generated QFD model through Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA). The participants were fourteen domain experts of Pakistan Halal Meat Industry. In phase-II a total of 250 responses were generated from domain experts of Pakistans halal meat industry using a five-point Likert scale for quantitative analysis.The findings show that the top management and domain experts of halal meat industry need to incorporate global quality standards.Itwill surely lead to high productivity and exports.This article serves as a guide to acquiring sufficient knowledge of the global technical standards to make sure sustainable supply chain performance.
Key words: Halal Meat, global quality standards, voice of customers, mediation, sustainable supply chain structure