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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2019; 9(4): 361-365

Traumatic caudal elbow luxation in two cats

Paolo Abrescia,Filippo Cinti,Guido Pisani.

Cited by 6 Articles

Traumatic caudal elbow luxation is an uncommon injury and it is rarely reported in the cat. This case report described two Domestic Shorthaired cats referred for monolateral forelimb non-weight bearing lameness caused by trauma. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed a caudal elbow luxation in both patients. The cats were treated with closed reduction and the elbow joints stabilized at 40° of flexion by a transarticular external skeletal fixation for 18-22 days. The follow-up examinations at two months and at three years showed mild and moderate radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis respectively, but good elbow function in both patients.
This technique, for the treatment of the traumatic caudal elbow luxation, is easy and straightforward with few complications and to the authors' knowledge was not previously reported in cats.

Key words: Closed reduction, elbow, external fixation, luxation

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