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RMJ. 2011; 36(3): 202-205

Colorectal carcinoma: Our experience at a tertiary care hospital

Shahid Hussain Soomro, Imamuddin Baloch, Saima Athar Shaikh, Nadia Bhatti, Bushra Shaikh.


To determine the frequent site and presentation of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) in our population.
Patients and Methods
This study was conducted at the Department of Surgery, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Larkana, Pakistan from February 2008 to July 2010 and involved 34 patients with diagnosis of colorectal tumor who underwent surgery.
In all patients staging was done before surgery, while those patients presented in emergency were operated and staging done per-operatively. Biodata of patient, presenting features, site of tumor, stage, histopathology, and procedure performed were noted. All the patients were sent for chemoradiotheray before or after surgery. The data was analyzed by SPSS version 15.
Among 34 patients, 26 were admitted through OPD while 8 were admitted through emergency department. Age ranged from 22 to 75 years with mean of 49.52±15.42 years. 26 were male and 8 were female. Main presenting features were abdominal mass and bleeding per rectum. Sigmoid was the commonest site of with 10(29.41%) patients, followed by rectum. According to Duke’s staging, stage A, B, C, and D were found in 0%, 8(23.52%), 12(35.29%) and 14(41.17%) patients.
Well differentiated carcinoma was the most common histopathological type and was seen in 12 (35.29%) patients. All were operated and procedure performed according to the site and condition of patient. Left hemicolectomy was the most commonly performed procedure.
There is increasing number of patients with CRC even in young population, most common presentation with abdominal mass. Sigmoid was the most common site of tumor. Majority of patients presented in advance stage. Adenocarcinoma was most common histopathological finding and Left hemicolectomy was the most commonly performed procedure. Screening plan should be charted out to diagnose CRC in early stage. (Rawal Med J 2011;36:208-211).

Key words: Colorectal carcinoma, sigmoid colon, advance stage, adenocarcinoma, left hemicolectomy

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