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Evaluations of anatomy education by Usak University Faculty of Dentistry 3rd grade students

Sinan Bakirci, Mahmut Cay.


The aim of this study was to determine the positive and negative aspects of anatomy education of 3rd grade students of the faculty of dentistry before graduation. The study was carried out with the questionnaire of 3rd grade students studying at Uşak University Faculty of Dentistry. 52 people participated in the study. Five-point Likert-type scale was used for the reliability of the questionnaire. Of the 52 students, 31 were female and 21 were male. The mean age was 21 years. 67.3% of the students who participated in the study stated that they liked the course when they first took the anatomy course, while 46.1% stated that they still liked the anatomy course. 63.4% of the participants stated that they understood the other courses more easily thanks to the terminology they learned in anatomy. Also; 88.4% of the students “4. and 5th grade should have an accelerated anatomy course”. We anticipate that these feedbacks from third year students of the faculty of dentistry who have studied anatomy in undergraduate education will contribute to anatomy education in dental faculties.

Key words: Anatomy education, faculty of dentistry, feedback

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