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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 2765-2777

Relationship between shopping motivations of shoppers for processed food and retail format choice

Dr. Nidhi, Shivani.


Purpose – Shopping motives for processed food items are categorized into hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations. Both the shopping Motives (Hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivation) have been studied since 1980s in context of consumer behavior and their effects on shopping satisfaction. Scarcity of inquiry towards any relationship exists between shoppers shopping motivation and their choice of retail format. The purpose of this paper is to identify is there is any relationship between shopping motivation (utilitarian motivations and hedonic motivations) of shoppers and choice of retail format (supermarket store and traditional store).
Originality/gap/relevance/implications: – The study has practical implications for processed food retailers to understand the motivational factors (Utlitairian and Hedonic motivation) that influenced the shopper's retail format choice, and to utilize study insights more effectively in managing their marketing strategies to get the competitive advantage.
Key methodological aspects: – A structured questionnaire was framed to collect the primary data from 300 shoppers of processed food items. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis employed to identify the representing shopping motives and examine the construct validity of measurement scale. Correlation analysis is used to examine the relationship between shopping motivation (utilitarian motivations and hedonic motivations) of shoppers and retail format choice (Supermarkets or traditional Market).
Summary of key results: – The findings suggest that shoppers shopping motivation significantly associated with the choice of retail format. The findings indicating that high positive correlation found between hedonic shopping motivation and supermarket retail format choice as compared to traditional retail format choice. Study also indicating shoppers with utilitarian shopping motives preferred to shop at traditional market as compared to supermarket.

Key words: Shoppers, Hedonic shopping motivation (HSM), utilitarian shopping motivation (USM), supermarket(SM) and tradition market(TM)

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