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HIV-related high-risk behavior and awareness regarding HIV among the male workers at a construction site in Karnataka

Geethu Mathew, Deepthi Shanbhag, Sharan Subramanian, Carol Lobo, Alex Xavier, Prudhvi Dasari, Naveen Ramesh, Ramakrishna Goud.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Sexual behavior is an important determinant of sexually transmitted diseases transmission. It is essential to understand the HIV-related high-risk behavior among high-risk groups like migrants to design evidence-based intervention.

Objectives: This study was undertaken to assess HIV-related high-risk behavior and awareness among male construction workers.

Materials and Methods: A total of 404 male workers were enrolled in a cross-sectional study at a construction area in Karnataka. Behavioral Surveillance Survey questionnaire was used to collect information regarding sexual behavior and their knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS.

Results: The mean age of workers was 25.6 ± 7.3 years. Among workers, 82.2% of them heard about AIDS and 66.8% (270) could tell at least two correct mode of transmission of HIV. Mean age of first sexual intercourse was 22 ± 9.4 years among married and 18.9 ± 2.8 years among unmarried. Nearly 25% and 56% had their first sexual intercourse

Key words: Construction Workers; HIV; High-Risk Behavior

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