Shotgun metagenomic DNA sequencing is an effective ecological sequencing approach that offers understanding of microbial community biodiversity and function. This study evaluated the phylogenetic diversity and metabolic potential of the haloalkaliphilic microbial community of hypersaline and alkaline lake in Wadi Al-Natrun, Egypt, by using High-throughput sequencing technique. Metagenome comprised of 32,149,168 reads, and total read bases were 4.0G bp, with GC content 61.589% and Q30 87.847%. The brine sample of Gaar lake have been proceeded with library construction and revealed an enormous value for archaeal structure and functionality, the community investigation out predominance of domain Archaea (81%), including phylum Euryarchaeota, family halobacteriaceae, domain Eubacteria (2%) comprised total reads 208 OTUs of microbial community and including five phyla; Bacteraidetes (1.2%), Proteobacteria (0.3%), Firmicutes (0.1%), Chloroflexi (0.2%) and Actinobacteria (0.2%), and only 17% of total community was unassigned. In functional analysis, Gene Ontology (GO) terms derived from InterPro matches to brine sample revealed that 42% was biological processes, 52% genes for molecular functions and 6% was cellular components. Metagenomic sequence analysis indicating that this lake is promising for exploring of novel genes and extremophilic microorganisms for various purposes.
Key words: Shotgun metagenomic; Biodiversity, Functional analysis, Extremopiles, Soda Lake, Egypt