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RMJ. 2023; 48(2): 331-333

Prevalence of diabetes in young adults between 18-35 years of the population of Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan

Ghulam Yaseen Khokhar, Shiasta Khan, Vinay Kumar Jesrani, Irfan Ali Gabol, Manzar Ali Sethar.


Objective: To investigate prevalence of diabetes in young adults between 18 and 35 years of the population of Sukkur.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was done by a follow-up email two weeks after the first invitation to 7110 patients with Type 1 diabetes treated at the diabetes center to complete a questionnaire online or on paper.
Results: Nearly two-thirds (n=4740) of the patients filled out questionnaires, and their average age was 27.1 years. Average duration with diabetes was 13.5 years. This group had a lower HbA1c (66 mmol/mol, or 82% of those who responded) and other favorable risk factors (compared to those who did not reply, who had a higher HbA1c of 89%). Women had been diagnosed with diabetes for a longer period (p=0.001), although their ages and levels of glycemic control were almost identical to those of the males (p=0.10 and 0.87, respectively).
Conclusion: There was a high frequency of poor glycemic control, complications, and high levels of distress among young persons with Type 1 diabetes, highlighting the complexity of the demands these individuals face at an early age. To improve their level of diabetes, the person should change their lifestyle for healthy living.

Key words: Diabetes, young adults, genetical diabetes, uncontrolled sugar level.

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