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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 2122-2130

Export Financing by Exim Bank of India and Its Impact on Export performance: An Empirical Assessment

Sameer Shekhar, N. Jena.


The present study is mainly concerned with thetrends in export financing/credit lendingby Export Import (EXIM) Bank of India and examining its impact on the export performance of the country considering the data evidence on export and credit extension in the last couple of decades (i.e., from 2000-01 to 2019-20). The credit extension and financial assistance is more important in the case of export transactions due to the prevalence of novel non-price competitive techniques encountered by exporters in various nations to enlarge their share of world markets. The paper discusses in general the trends in the loan approval and disbursement by EXIM bank and that in export along simple calculations accompanied by the graphical presentation, but it mainly envisages the impact assessment. For the purpose of reaching inference and testing assumption, inferential linear regression model has been used. The study concludes that there exist significant association between the variables considered and that the export financing is significant determinant of export performance.

Key words: EXIM Bank, Export Financing, Export Performance, Loan Disbursed, Loan Approved.

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