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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 2034-2046

Developing English Discourse Skills: An Exploratory Survey of Communicative Competence of Pakistani Learners of English

Dr. Riaz Hussain, Dr. Shahid Nawaz, Dr. Sajid Waqar.


Discourse insights link language with real life and society. This ultimate connection has been underlined by some experts of language teaching who prefer comprehensive development of communicative competence. In this background, through an exploratory survey, this study tries to assess the communicative and discourse skills of Pakistani learners of English. Itdiscusses the importance of imparting discourse skills to Pakistani learners of English which can help them process and produce English discourses effectively. Theoretically based on distinction between atomistic approach and holistic approach in English teaching, the study stressesthe need to use a holistic approach for comprehensive development of English discourse skills among Pakistani learners. The study concluded that by learning discourse skills, students can learn better to integrate the communicative skills needed for effective communication.

Key words: language, communicative competence, Pakistani learners of English

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