- Each society consists of poor and rich. Those who are rich have more chances to have a better and more education, health facilities and other amenities of life but the poor segment of society is more likely to be deprived of these and get trapped in the vicious circle of poverty. Assuming that the government is unable to reach each citizen because of increasing proportion of the poor population. For the harmonious development of the society, it is the responsibility of every individual of society to contribute to the betterment of poor segment. Do people have such preferences? The current study is undertaken with the objectives to investigate the willingness to donate and volunteer behavior of the students and to find out the factors which help in the cause of educational uplift of the poor fellow students in the Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad. The study used primary data of 251 respondents. The study employed descriptive analysis, the logistic regression model for the realization of the mentioned objectives. The study found that 50% of the student is willing to contribute and help their poor colleagues financially. In addition, the study also demonstrates that extrinsic factors i.e., Gender, Income of family and living away from home, are more influencing on a willingness to donate as compare to intrinsic i.e., Satisfaction and Religiosity. The policy implication is that the government should fulfill her responsibility in contributing to the education of poor and there must be facilitation for organizing societies to channelize the donated funds for the betterment of society in letter and spirit.
Key words: Lack of funding, education, willingness to donate