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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 428-434

Exploring the Effectiveness of English Language Teachers Training at Elementary Level: A Teachers’ Perspective

Dr. Akifa Imtiaz, Dr. Uzma Imtiaz, Dr. Asma Kashif Shahzad.


Trainings are the energizers of teachers as they upgrade their knowledge and develop their teaching skills. The purpose of this research explored the role of teachers’ training on the development of English Language teachers. The study aimed to ascertain the perspectives of English teachers at the elementary level regarding the efficacy and practicability of implications of pedagogies introduced in the training programmes. The study is descriptive and data was collected through interviews. The structured interviews were conducted and obtained information was analyzed qualitatively in terms of thematic categories explored by the information provided. The study concluded that the ESL teachers at elementary levels enjoyed the training sessions as they were full of enthusiastic activities and rich resources regarding teaching English but they found it very difficult to incorporate those pedagogies in the real classroom for many factors. They stressed that the government should take measures to improve the provision of resource material and a conducive environment to practice the techniques and skills which they were trained for. They further expressed that such trainings are an integral part of the professional development of English language teachers and that they should be conducted at regular intervals to equip the teachers with the latest teaching skills.

Key words: English Language teachers, pedagogies, ESL

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