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Fundam Appl Agric. 2019; 4(4): 1081-1088

Effects of fruit thinning on the on-and off-season production of guava

Md. Al Ekram, Md. Harun Ar Rashid, Md. Abdur Rahim, Tahmina Akter.


The study was conducted during the period from July 2017 to October 2018 at the Germplasm Centre of the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU-GPC), Mymensingh to find out the effects of fruit thinning on the on-and off-season production of guava. The experiment consisted of two guava varieties viz. i. Swarupkathi and ii. BAU Piyara 5, and six fruit thinning viz. i. 0% fruit thinning, ii. 20% fruit thinning, iii. 40% fruit thinning, iv. 60% fruit thinning, v. 80% fruit thinning and vi. 100% fruit thinning. The two factor experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Guava varieties and fruit thinning both had significant effects on both on-season and off-season. During on-season, Swarupkathi showed superiority over BAU Piyara 5. During off-season, yield of Swarupkathi was 1.73 kg/plant, whereas BAU Piyara 5 produced only flowers but no fruit due to flower dropping in off-season. In case of thinning effect during on season 6.05kg fruit per plant was produced with 80% fruit thinning, which is the best in on-season. During off-season 1.51 kg fruit per plant was produced with the effects of 100% fruit thinning of previous season, which was the best in off-season. For combined effect of variety and fruit thinning during on-season, Swarupkathi produced 8.60kg fruit per plant at 80% fruit thinning which was the best result in Swarupkathi after different time of thinning practices, whereas BAU Piyara 5 produced 3.50kg fruit per plant at 80% fruit thinning which was the best result in BAU Piyara 5 after different thinning practices. During off-season, Swarupkathi produced 3.01 kg fruit per plant with the effects of 100% fruit thinning of previous season, which was found to be better result in Swarupkathi, while BAU Piyara 5 showed few flower (3) and did not produce any fruit due to flower dropping.

Key words: Guava, Swarupkathi, BAU Piyara 5, fruit thinning, productivity, TSS

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