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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 1722-1726

Validity and Reliability of Technology Entrepreneurship Module for Public University Undergraduates in Malaysia

Ahmad Syakir Bin Junoh, Norasmah Binti Othman, Rahim A. Syarizal, Raof M. Nurshadira.


This study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the Entrepreneurship Module which consists of nine activities (Introduction to Technology Entrepreneurship, Business Opportunities and Creativity and Innovation, Small and Medium Enterprises, Business Models, Business Planning, Marketing, Research and Development, Research and Development Commercialization) , Intellectual Property Management).Data were obtained through a survey using two sets of questionnaires. The content validity questionnaire was completed by eight experts (two module experts and six field experts) while the reliability questionnaire set was distributed to 30 undergraduate students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Selection of respondents using purposeful sampling method. Module reliability is based on Cronbach’s Alpha value, while module validity is based on percentage calculation. Expert evaluation shows that the module tested has a high content validity of more than 70 percent. Similarly with the reliability analysis, the Cronbach’s Alpha value exceeding 0.7 indicates that the module reliability is high. The findings of the study can be concluded that all sub-modules for the Technology Entrepreneurship Module have high validity and reliability and are ready to be implemented for effectiveness testing.

Key words: First Keyword, Second Keyword, Third Keyword

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