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JCBPR. 2020; 9(2): 103-112

An Analysis on Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics and Therapy Outcomes of Couples Receiving Systemic Family Therapy

Esin ERDOGAN, Dursun Hakan DELİBAŞ.

Cited by 0 Articles

Marriage is a structure consisting of interconnected systems, which enable individuals to establish a family and maintain the species. The aim of this study was to examine the demographic and clinical characteristics and marital adjustment and therapy motivation of 21 couples who received systemic family therapy because of adjustment problems. “Marital Adjustment Test (MAT)” and “Client Motivation for Therapy Scale (CMOTS)” was used to assess marital adjustment and therapy motivations. Mean duration of psychotherapy was 16.5±6.3 sessions. The mean marriage age was 24.95±5.38 for females and 30.57±5.85 for males. The rate of psychiatric disorder was higher in women (n=19, 90.5%). When the mean overall and total MAT scores of the couples before and after psychotherapy were compared, it was seen that the mean overall and total MAT scores were increased at the end of therapy. Before the therapy, the mean CMOTS-amotivation score was higher in men compared to women (p=0.045), whereas the CMOTS-intrinsic motivation score was higher in women compared to men (p=0.002). In addition, there was a negative correlation between CMOTS-amotivation score and the total MAT score at the end of therapy in men (r= -0.519, p=0.023). Systemic couple therapy is known to be effective on couples with marital problems. In accordance with the literature, systemic family therapy increased the marital adjustment of couples in our study. It is important to evaluate characteristics associated with marital adjustment and motivation for therapy in couples to be treated with family therapy and to consider these factors when planning their treatment.

Key words: Family, family therapy, couple therapy, marriage, adjustment, motivation

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