Research Article |
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Coronavirus Disease in Children and Adolescents: Symptoms, Treatment, Consequences*Olga I. Mochalova, Tamara A.Emelianova, Aktulaeva Suriani Ramzanovna, Ayshat R. Agaeva, Mata K. Shaptukaeva. Abstract | | | | The article examines the causes, symptoms and consequences of the development of coronavirus disease in pediatrics.
It has been determined that coronavirus disease is usually easier in children than in adults; symptoms usually include
headache, fever and cough. Severe variants of the development of coronavirus disease in children with concomitant
diseases are possible. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is a postinfectious complication of severe acute respiratory
syndrome of coronavirus infection with pronounced cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Key words: oronavirus disease,Chronic diseases,consequences.features of the course,Pediatrics,Symptoms,