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RMJ. 2020; 45(2): 307-309

Pulmonary complications among patients with Stroke

Syed Muhammad Mateen, Arooj Munawar.


Objective: To assess the frequency of pulmonary complications in post-stroke patients receiving cardiopulmonary physical therapy treatment for pulmonary complications.
Methodology: It was a cross-sectional study and sampling technique was Purposive convenient sampling and study duration was 4 months. It included 193 stroke patients. The study was conducted in Social Security Hospital, Jinnah Hospital, Shaikh Zaid Hospital, Services Hospital, Ganga Ram Hospital and General Hospital, all in Lahore. A questionnaire was used to collect the data using Diaphragmatic Excursion Test (DET) and Modified Medical Research Council (MMRC) Dyspnea Scale.
Results: Out of 193 stroke patients, 100(51.81%) were female and 93(48.19%) male. The age ranged from 18 to 100. MMRC dyspnea Scale having (0- 4 grades), the maximum frequency was 152(81.3%) of grade 4. In DET, Positive test frequency was 80(41.45%). Frequency of patients feeling better through cardiopulmonary physical therapy treatment was 58 (95.08%) and total participants were 61.
Conclusion: There was a low frequency of pulmonary complication among patient with stroke and high frequency of functional limitations. However, cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy treatment e.g. (Percussion, Vibration, Postural Drainage and breathing exercises) showed best effects on the treatment of pulmonary complications after a stroke.

Key words: Stroke, Pulmonary Complications, Cardiopulmonary.

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