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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 612-616

Effects of western culture and ho chi minh ideology on vietnam education

Thuy Dung Vu Thi, Tran Nguyet Minh Thu, Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy, Nguyen Thu Thuy.


It is the time to question roles and effects of Western culture and Ho Chi Minh ideology on Vietnam education and see future direction for the national education programs.
The paper uses qualitative analysis, synthesis, historical and dialectical materialism methods.
Ho Chi Minh has proposed the need for education in the nation, i.e. the country need new education perspectives and programs, in which human education is placed in the centre.
Western culture, on the other side, has impacted on Vietnam education from kindergarten level to universities. It will have both positive and negative sides. More independent, more active thinking and creativity are values proposed in Western education to transfer to Asian education.
Finally, we use the above analysis to propose recommendations for building better education programs in the country.

Key words: Education for students, research capabilities, skills, Vietnam

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