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Case Report

Depressive Disorder and Neuro-Behçet’s disease: About a Clinical Case

Loubna ACHOUR,Fouad LABOUDI,Abderrazzak OUANASS.

Cited by 0 Articles

Behçet's disease is a chronic, relapsing and multisystemic vasculitis. In order to emphasize the importance of the psychiatric manifestations of Behçet's disease, we will discuss the case of a 45-year-old patient with no psychiatric history. It has been followed for 2 years for Behçet's disease, since taking corticosteroids and colchicine. For the past three months, he has presented psychiatric demonstrations evoking a depressive episode, which was complicated by an attempted suicide by self-immolation, hence his hospitalization in psychiatry. Psychiatric involvement is controversial: are there specific manifestations of Behçet's disease or comorbidity. It is sometimes worrying because of the risk of depression related to corticosteroids. The management of comorbidity Behçet's disease and depressive disorder requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Key words: Neuro-Behçet’s disease, depression, corticosteroids, multidisciplinary

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