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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 487-496

Unveiling the Expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia (1963-1965)

Mohd Sohaimi Esa, Romzi Ationg, Wendy Hiew, Irma Wani Othman, Abang Mohd Razif Mohd Muis, Abdul Hair Beddu Asis.


Since the formation of Malaysia, the Federation under the Tunku Abdul Rahman-Tun Razak leadership had to deal with the Malaysia-Indonesia confrontation and also issues in Singapore that were stirred up by Lee Kuan Yew. Continual provocation and pressure from Lee Kuan Yew on the Central Government subsequently led to the expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia. Deputy Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak, one of the core leaders of the Federation, viewed Singapore as a ‘thorn in the flesh’ when it was part of Malaysia. Questions were raised about cause his negative views on Singapore. This paper unveils the events which led to the expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia (1963-1965), especially the roles of Tun Razak in resolving issues with Singapore when it was part of the Malaysia Federation.

Key words: Federation leader; Tun Razak; Singapore; Lee Kuan Yew

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