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Workplace violence frequency and relationship of violence with life quality, life satisfaction and job satisfaction in healthcare professionals in psychiatry clinics in Konya province

Seda Kirci Ercan, Berrin Unal, Sehure Azra Yasar, Ebru Ciftci, Dursun Hakan Delibas.


It was aimed to determine the frequency of exposure to violence and the effect of violence on the quality of life, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety levels of mental healthcare professionals. Mental healthcare doctors and nurses in Konya city center hospitals were included in the research. Data collection tools were a sociodemographic data form, Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL R-IV), Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Beck Depression (BDI), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). One-hundered-twenty-one mental health professionals, 74 (61.2%) female and 47 male (38.8%) were included in the study. Throughout their professional life, 67.7% of them has been subjected to verbal violence, 38.9% to physical violence, 12.4% to sexual violence. In 54.5% of these incidents, the patient and his companion used violence together. Negative subscale scores of ProQOL R-IV were higher and the positive subscale score was lower in those who were exposed to violence. In the group exposed to violence, scores of all subscales of MSQ and total scores of SWLS (p = 0.01) were lower, while BAI (p = 0.012) and BDI scores were higher (p = 0.015). A significant positive correlation was found between exposure to violence and intrinsic job-satisfaction (p = 0.001), life satisfaction (p = 0.005), depressive symptoms (p = 0.016) and anxiety symptoms (p = 0.004). Working conditions and workplace violence against mental health professionals in Konya city center negatively affect the life satisfaction, job satisfaction and mental health of mental health professionals.

Key words: Mental health, violence, life satisfaction, job satisfaction, quality of life

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