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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 139-148

Forming conflictological competence of a would-be teacher in the multicultural educational space of a university

Nadezhda G. Markova, Elena V. Yakovleva, Elena L. Krasnova, Olga Yu. Gerasimova.


The article deals with the problem and necessity of forming students’ conflictological competence as an important component of the future teacher’s readiness for professional activity; the main components of conflictological competence are revealed. The characteristic is given to the competence approach and its role in forming conflictological competence of would-be teachers in a multicultural educational space. The authors posit the importance of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of a would-be teacher in the field of conflict management at all levels of interaction to minimize its destructive forms of manifestation. The study found that the formation of conflict-free interaction skills will enable a would-be teacher to build constructive interactions, be flexible and prompt in analyzing situations of interpersonal relationships, manage their emotional and volitional state in conflict and pre-conflict situations. The article presents an in-depth analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the topic.

Key words: conflict, competence, conflictological competence, professionally significant social mobility, multicultural educational space

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