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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 37-51

The Insights of Using Creative Drama in Learning Speaking Skills for the 7th graders in Jenin city: A case study

Tahani R. K. Bsharat, Fariza Behak.


Speaking is one of the essential skills in the English language. In learning speaking, students practice some techniques such as creative drama, since drama activities can afford students an opportunity to use language to express numerous emotions, to solve problems, and speak English fluently. This paper, intended to find out The Insights of Using Creative Drama in Learning Speaking Skills for the 7th graders in Jenin city. This Study used a full qualitative method, the participants were 10 students who had used drama as a technique in speaking class. The researcher got the data from interviewing the 7th graders. The result of this study showed that the Insights of creative drama technique is effective in Learning speaking skills. The results of interviews with ten students indicate that they have a positive perception about using creative drama in speaking class and it increases their self-esteem in speaking.

Key words: creative drama, speaking skills, seventh graders, qualitative method

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