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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 599-603

Techniques Used in Modern Drama

Safaa Kareem Ali, Thamer Mohammed Khadim.


This paper aimed to analytically study techniques used in modern drama. It used a theoretical method that focused on analyzing literature through context analyses methodology. But, the paper analyzed emergency of modern literature in socio-historical way and its relation with both political and social life in Europe between the two great wares. Modern literature has been considered the reason behind the social and political changes occurred in Europe during that period of time. The paper dealt with some techniques of modern drama like historio-graphical metafiction, Poioumena. Fabulation, Pastiche, Metafiction, Temporal distortion, Magic Realism, Paranoia and Minimalism. The study concluded that modern drama used a mix of techniques of drama. One of them was used to reinforce the dramatic structure in modern and postmodern drama.

Key words: analytically study, emergency, production, historiographical, metafiction

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