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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 442-449

The conditions of Hejaz in the Islamic era in Yemeni sources.

Ghalib Mahmoud Hamza, Nasur Abid Albaker Mahmoud.


The research deals with the history of Al Hijaz in the Islamic era through what was mentioned by Yemeni sources and Yemeni researchers, which are considered one of the most important sections of the Arabian Peninsula in terms of both the religious and the economic aspects. The researcher found that Al Hijaz became independent state directly linked to the Khaliphate when the Khaliphate was transferred to the Umayyad state in in AD 664 / AH 14.
The Hijaz was divided into three administrative regions, the centers of which are Medina, Makkah and Ta’if, Makkah and Ta’if were gathered together for the ruler of the city. Makkah 696-683 / AH 3 is a center for him. The study necessitated its division into two topics, an introduction and a conclusion. The first topic dealt with the geography of the Hijaz and the political situations in the Hijaz until the emergence of the Emirate of Supreme (Alaween), while the second topic dealt with political life in the Hijaz from the beginning of the era of the Emirate of Alaween in the Hijaz in the seventeenth century .

Key words: AlHijaz, Yemeni sources, Islamic era, Khaliphate.

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