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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 3285-3294

Charismatic Leadership And Employee Satisfaction: A Case Of Banking Sector Of Pakistan

Dr. Mahboob Ullah, Farah Fida, Dr. Yasir Khan, Umer Ishfaq, Prof Dr Syed Umar Farooq, Dr. Waqar Alam.


Employees who are satisfied with their work and organizations are more likely to be dedicated to them, which leads to increased individual and organizational productivity. The association between leaders and employees has a significant impact on organizational results and performance. Hence, this quantitative correctional study was carried out to determine the impact of charismatic leadership on employee satisfaction. Employees of private banks in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, were surveyed using a self-administered closed-ended questionnaire. Pearson's Correlations Matrix and simple linear regression analysis were used to evaluate the hypotheses. The findings indicate that charismatic leadership has a considerable positive impact on employee satisfaction. Empirical data suggests that charismatic leaders are seen as superior performers than less charismatic leaders because they have a significant impact on employee satisfaction.

Key words: Charismatic leadership, Employee satisfaction, Banking Sector, Pakistan

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