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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 316-325

Studying the Effects of Human Resource Information System on Corporate Performance

Laith T. Khrais, Osman S. Shidwan, Ahmed Alafandi, Norah Yousif Alsaeed.


This paper is quantitative research based on the impacts of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) on manufacturing firms in the Middle East. The HRIS plays a significant role that assists in the effectiveness of Human Resource Management (HRM). In this case, the study aims at inspecting the impacts of HRIS on the effectiveness of HRM in the selected manufacturing firms in the Middle East. The HRIS is a measure of a five-dimensional structure of the effective communication, top management, human resource management, and training information system that is incorporated with the measure of the effectiveness of the HRM in the recruitment, performance, and planning of the functions of human resource in the selected firms. The data is obtained from a secondary survey and analysed using SPSS. The results revealed that the HRIS explains approximately 85% of the selected manufacturing firms in the Middle East variance in the HRM. Therefore, the manufacturing companies need to adopt the HRIS system since it has positive impacts on the effectiveness of the HRM in the management of these manufacturing companies.

Key words: Human Resource, Information System, HRIS, Effectiveness of Human Resource Management, Manufacturing Firms, Performance, Corporate

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