Objective: To establish the standard of mean emergence time of permanent teeth, except the third molars, of Pakhtoon children. In addition to find out the effect of gender, weight, height, and body mass index on time of emergence of this ethnic population. Methodology: Twenty one private and public schools were randomly selected using systematic random sampling from the list of schools of Peshawar. A trained and calibrated team of dentist and assistant visited to the schools on the assigned dates. The students who brought the positive consent from their parents and gave accent to be included in the study were screened for general check-ups. The children with at least one just erupted tooth were taken out for data collection. The clinical examination was conducted and height and weight were measured. Date of birth was obtained from the students record of the school. Results: 1945 children showed at least one just erupted tooth. 879 (45.2%) children were males. The mean age of the children was 9.44 ±2.44 years. Right 1stmolar (# 16) showed the minimum eruption time of 6.6 years in maxillary jaw. The last tooth erupted in this jaw was the left 2nd molar (#27). The first tooth appeared in mandibular jaw was the right central incisor (#41) with mean value of 6.5 years. The last tooth erupted in this jaw was right 2nd molar (#47). Male children showed late eruption as compared to girls in all the teeth, except the incisors. Eighteen teeth showed significantly positive correlation of time of eruption with height, 24 teeth showed significantly positive correlation with weight. The sequence of eruption in maxillary teeth was 6-1-2-4-5-3-7, and sequence of eruption in mandibular teeth was1-6-2-3-4-5-7.Conclusions: Study concludes that children of Peshawar showed early eruption than the children of Karachi and India; however they had late eruption as compared to African children. These children did not show any clear cut trend with other ethnic groups. This study also agreed with most of the other studies that eruption of girls is earlier than boys.
Key words: permanent teeth, just erupted tooth, eruption time, Peshawar