Spermatogenesis is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the environment, particularly temperature and hormones. Sperm dysfunction, a root cause of male infertility, is a commonly allied complication of diabetes mellitus. Our previous studies cogitate that cold stress (15°C) exacerbates the complications and the resultant oxidative stress plays a major role in testicular and epididymis dysfunction in diabetic rats. Despite the strong biologic prospect for this postulation, establishing a direct link between free radicals and specific disease is an in-dire need, and in this context, this study focuses on investigating the sperm quality parameters and their relationship to testicular oxidative stress indices of cold stress diabetes in Wistar rats. The results indicate a cumulative impact by diminishing sperm parameters, viz. sperm density, viability, motility, mortality, and acrosome intactness in cold-stressed diabetic rats. The findings also reveal a strong positive Pearsons correlation between the sperm quality parameters and testicular lipid peroxidation, which reflects the influence of oxidative stress on sperm dysfunction. Together with duel stressor effects, the efficacy of Moringa oleifera leaf ethanolic (MOLE) extract is appended to assess its therapeutic role. The apparent effectiveness of MOLE therapy at 250 and 500 mg/kg bw for 60 days aided in suppressing oxidative stress and improved semen quality demonstrating the causative nature of these associations; hence, Moringa usage is recommended as a therapeutic agent for male reproductive dysfunctions in population residing in colder climates.
Key words: Diabetes mellitus, Cold-Stress, Sperm parameters, Oxidative Stress, Moringa oleifera.