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Electrocardiogram pattern pre and post potassium correction in hypokalemia

Nur Rahmah Musa ,Pendrik Tandean,Idar Mappangara,Andi Makbul Aman,Haerani Rasyid,Hasyim Kasim,Syakib Bakri,Arifin Seweng.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Hypokalemia with ECG changes is very hazardous; therefore, it is important to correct hypokalemia to avoid life-threatening cardiovascular complications.
Objective: To know ECG pattern pre and post potassium correction in patients with hypokalemia.
Methods and results: A prospective study with longitudinal observational design in hospitalized hypokalemic patients who received intravenous potassium correction at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar during February - May 2018. ECG changes are determined based on ECG examination. Potassium correction is given based on potassium deficit formula. Data analysis used SPSS version 22 with McNemar and Chi Square statistical test. Study included 80 subjects consisting of 26 males and 54 females, mean age of 48,8 ± 16 years, 53,8% of moderate and 38,8% of severe hypokalemia, 85% having ECG changes. The ECG patterns were long QT (30%), prominent U (30%), T-inverted (21,2%), ST depression (15%), T-flat (10%), VES (6,3%), SVT (3,8%), first degree AVB (3,8%), and AF (2,5%). Significant improvement found in long QT and prominent U post correction (p

Key words: ECG, hypokalemia, arrhythmia, long QT, prominent U

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