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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1397-1407

How is the Awareness of Javanese Language Phonology of Elementary School Teacher Candidates?: Descriptive Qualitative Study

Endang Sri Maruti, Bambang Yulianto, Suhartono, Nur Samsiyah.


Introduction: language awareness needs to be developed to ensure that children can have it. In this process, each child must have different views in terms of developing language awareness. This research aimed to investigate the phonological awareness of Javanese language in Primary Teacher Education students who are also candidates for Javanese language teachers at the elementary school level. This is important considering that students' language skills are highly dependent on the ability of teachers at the initial level of learning, namely at the elementary school level. Phonological awareness greatly affects students' reading and writing skills. Especially in Javanese language where there are words that are well written and pronounced differently. For this reason, it is necessary to know how far the level of awareness of Javanese phonology in elementary school teacher candidates. Method: This research was a descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through observation and documentation in the form of student assignments regarding the skills of writing Javanese words, syllables, onset, rhythm, and phonemics, then analyzed constructively. Results: The study showed that the level of phonological awareness of Javanese language teacher candidates for elementary school was still low. Lots of mistakes in writing words. Conclusion: Javanese language teacher candidates have low awareness of Javanese language phonology, so it is necessary to increase mastery of other language materials, and it can be ensured that it also has an effect on the learning outcomes of Javanese language learning for elementary school students.

Key words: Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Ortho-Phonological Confusion

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