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Dusunen Adam. 2019; 32(4): 320-327

Evaluation of Resilience, Quality of Life and Depression in Family Members of Alcohol/Substance Dependent Patients

Güliz Şenormancı ,Elif Eşmen,Çetin Turan,Ömer Şenormancı.


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare resilience, quality of life and depression levels in family members of patients with dependence with the control group and also to assess the relationship between resilience, quality of life, depression and clinical features in family members.
Methods: The sample consisted of 41 female participants who were family members of patients with history of at least one year alcohol/substance dependence and also outpatient and/or inpatient history of treatment and 41 female participants with no history of psychiatric admission or treatment, who matched with the family members in terms of age, length of education and marital status. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants and sociodemographic data form, Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), Short Form 36 (SF 36), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered.
Results: Levels of resilience and quality of life were lower and levels of depression were higher in family members compared to those of control group. Depression scores were negatively correlated with resilience and quality of life scores. Resilience was positively correlated with all subscale scores of quality of life except general health. In family members, there were positive correlations between the duration of dependence and the scores of family cohesion subscale and between the number of substance withdrawal periods and structured style subscale scores. In terms of resilience and quality of life of family members, resilience and quality of life levels in siblings were higher compared to those of mothers and spouses, whereas the depression levels were higher in mothers compared to siblings of alcohol/substance dependent patients. There was no difference between the scores of family cohesion dimension among family members.
Conclusions: Strengthening resilience is important in terms of understanding, preventing and treatment of psychiatric issues. Resilience is a dynamic concept that can be learned and improved, so resilience enhancing programs may be beneficial in improving quality of life and alleviating level of depression in family members of dependent patients.

Key words: Dependence, Resilience, Quality of Life, Depression

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