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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1282-1295

The Impact of Teaching Vocational Education Using Project-based Learning Strategy on Developing Critical Thinking Skills among 10th-Grade Students

Samira Falah Al-Khrisha, Dr. Othman Nasser Mansour.


The study aims to identify the impact of teaching vocational education using a project-based learning strategy on developing critical thinking skills among 10th-grade students. To achieve the aim of the study, the semi-experimental approach is factored in. The study is applied to a sample consisting of 60 10th-grade female students from Rajm Al-Shami Al-Gharbi Mixed Secondary School in Muwaqqar District, and it is distributed equally between the two groups as follows: a 30-student experimental group and 30-student control. To measure the pre and post-performance of the two study groups, a 21-item critical thinking skills test is prepared in its final form .
The results of the study show a statistically significant difference between the arithmetic means of the degrees of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post-test of critical thinking skills (knowledge of assumptions, deduction, inference, evaluation of arguments) and the critical thinking skills as a whole in favor of the experimental group. The study recommends adopting a project-based learning strategy as a basic strategy in teaching most units of the vocational education subject for its suitability for most of the activities in the textbook’s units.

Key words: Project-based Learning Strategy, Critical Thinking skills, Vocational Education.

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