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Compliance of antimicrobial drug therapy in patients with dental periapical abscess

Vinay V Rao, Nitya Jhaveri, Kathan Nayak, Thati Jyotsnanjali, Parth Khamar, Hitesh Vadera, Anjali Kothari, Sneha vyas Rao, Vandita A Shah, Amit M Shah.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Dentist use of antimicrobial agents is characterized by a number of particularities. In effect, antibiotic prescription is empirical. Non-compliance to the prescribed medication can lead to the failure of the treatment. It should be noted that treatment failure can also result from several factors, but non-compliance can be considered the most critical factor.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the compliance with the full course of antibiotics as prescribed by a health-care provider to treat periapical abscess.

Materials and Methods: A prospective, observational study was conducted to examine the prevalence of drug non-compliance. A total of 30 patients of any gender and age more than 16 years who attended outpatient department. Baseline information related to personal details, disease and drug therapy were recorded using a structured case record form. Compliance to therapy was evaluated by pill count adherence ratio (PCAR).

Results: Most of the patients (73.33%) were compliant to antibiotic therapy. Males were more non-compliant antibiotic therapy as compared to females. Maximum patients (13.33%) with non-compliance to antibiotic therapy belong to the age group of 35–56 years. Patients with school level of education or below have maximum number of patients with non-compliance. Disappearance of symptoms and fear of side- effects of antibiotics are the commonest reasons for non-compliance. Mean value of PCAR was 0.89 ± 0.23.

Conclusion: The result of our study shows that around 70% of patients were complying with the full course of antibiotics as prescribed. Therefore, health workers should make more effort to enhance the proper use of antibiotics in our population.

Key words: Compliance; Medical Adherence; Dental Practice; Periapical Abscess; Antimicrobials

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